πŸ‘₯ Busts in silhouette emoji

Say hello to the πŸ‘₯ emoji! This little duo of silhouettes is all about those social vibes. Whether you’re talking about friends, family, or a fun group event, these shadowy figures have got you covered! πŸ‘₯ can also be described as group of people, community or social gathering.


What means busts in silhouette emoji?

The πŸ‘₯ emoji, also known as β€˜busts in silhouette’, often represents a group of people or community. It is perfect for highlighting social connections and interactions.

How to use busts in silhouette emoji? (with conversation examples)

Some examples of conversations using the πŸ‘₯ emoji.

    • Who’s coming to the party tonight? πŸ‘₯
    • Everyone from the office!
    • We should go hiking this weekend. πŸ‘₯
    • That sounds fun, let's do it!
    • Should we make it a group study session? πŸ‘₯
    • Great idea!

What are the best combos using the busts in silhouette emoji?

πŸ‘₯ works great with other emojis. Here's a small selection.

  • πŸ‘₯πŸŽ‰
    Celebrating with friends.
  • πŸ‘₯πŸ•πŸ”
    Group hangout with food.
  • πŸ‘₯πŸ“Έ
    Group photo time!