πŸ•¦ Eleven-thirty emoji

Time flies when you’re having fun! πŸ•¦ marks the minute just before midnight or noon, a crucial moment whether you’re counting down to lunch or getting ready for bed. πŸ•¦ can also be described as half past eleven, 11:30 or eleven-thirty o'clock.


What means eleven-thirty emoji?

The πŸ•¦ emoji represents the time 11:30, which can be either AM or PM. It's often used to indicate specific times or to show that an activity is planned or happening around this time.

How to use eleven-thirty emoji? (with conversation examples)

Some examples of conversations using the πŸ•¦ emoji.

    • See you at 11:30? πŸ•¦
    • Yes! Can't wait!
    • Meeting starts at 11:30, be ready! πŸ•¦
    • I'll be there!
    • Lunch at 11:30? πŸ•¦
    • Perfect time!

What are the best combos using the eleven-thirty emoji?

πŸ•¦ works great with other emojis. Here's a small selection.

  • πŸ•¦πŸ”
    Lunch break at 11:30!
  • πŸ›οΈπŸ•¦
    Bedtime at 11:30 PM!
  • πŸ•¦πŸŽ‰
    Party starts at 11:30!