⌛ Hourglass done emoji

Say hello to the ⌛ emoji! It’s like that classic hourglass you’ve seen in vintage movies or maybe even at grandma’s house. Time’s up when this little icon makes an appearance! ⌛ can also be described as time's up, deadline or time expired.

What means hourglass done emoji?

The ⌛ emoji represents the end of time or that time has run out. It often signifies deadlines, waiting, or the completion of a task or period.

How to use hourglass done emoji? (with conversation examples)

Some examples of conversations using the ⌛ emoji.

    • We need to submit the report by 5 PM. ⌛
    • Okay, I'll have it ready!
    • Just a reminder, the sale ends tonight. ⌛
    • Thanks for the heads up!
    • Can you believe the semester is already over? ⌛
    • I know, time flew by!

What are the best combos using the hourglass done emoji?

⌛ works great with other emojis. Here's a small selection.

  • ⌛⏳
    Time's ticking away!
  • ⌛📅
    Deadline approaching!
  • ⌛⏰
    Time has run out!