⏳ Hourglass not done emoji

Time keeps on ticking! The ⏳ emoji, also known as ‘hourglass not done’, symbolizes the classic hourglass still sifting sand. From ancient times to today, it’s a fun symbol of time passing. ⏳ ⏳ can also be described as hourglass starting, time passing or wait.

What means hourglass not done emoji?

This emoji signifies that time is still passing, often used to remind others that a deadline is approaching, or to convey the need for patience.

How to use hourglass not done emoji? (with conversation examples)

Some examples of conversations using the ⏳ emoji.

    • Are you coming? It's been forever! ⏳
    • I'm on my way, hold on!
    • Can't wait for the concert tonight! ⏳
    • I know, it's going to be amazing!
    • The results will be out soon ⏳
    • Fingers crossed!

What are the best combos using the hourglass not done emoji?

⏳ works great with other emojis. Here's a small selection.

  • ⏳📆
    Waiting for a specific date to come.
  • ⏳🗒️
    Countdown to a task or project deadline.
  • ⏳😩
    Waiting impatiently.