➖ Minus emoji

Introducing the ➖ emoji! Simple yet powerful, this line can say so much with so little. Just one little stroke to make your point in style! ➖ can also be described as dash, subtract or reduce.

What means minus emoji?

The ➖ emoji represents the concept of subtraction, reduction, or minimizing. It's often used in math contexts or to indicate a negative response.

How to use minus emoji? (with conversation examples)

Some examples of conversations using the ➖ emoji.

    • I think we need to reduce the budget ➖
    • Agreed, let's cut some costs.
    • Can we subtract this amount ➖ from the total?
    • Sure, I'll update the spreadsheet.
    • I'm feeling really down ➖ today...
    • Oh no! Want to talk about it?

What are the best combos using the minus emoji?

➖ works great with other emojis. Here's a small selection.

  • ➖➕
    Balancing the positives and negatives.
  • ➖❌
    Double negative emphasis.
  • ➖1️⃣
    Subtract one.