➕ Plus emoji

Say hello to the ➕ emoji, your perfect partner for adding a little extra to any conversation! From math class to daily chats, this symbol brings a touch of positivity. ➕ can also be described as addition, positive sign or math symbol.

What means plus emoji?

The ➕ emoji represents the concept of addition, positivity, and increment. It’s often used in educational contexts, mathematics, or to imply 'more' of something in a positive light.

How to use plus emoji? (with conversation examples)

Some examples of conversations using the ➕ emoji.

    • Are you joining for the hike tomorrow? ➕
    • I got an A➕ on my test! So happy!
    • Let's add positives in our life! ➕

What are the best combos using the plus emoji?

➕ works great with other emojis. Here's a small selection.

  • ➕👫
    More friends
  • ➕🌞
    Better day
  • ➕💪
    More strength