⏹️ Stop button emoji

🚦 Ready to bring things to a halt? The ⏹️ stop button emoji is here to save the day! Perfect for when you need to put the brakes on a convo, a playlist, or just anything! ⏹️ can also be described as halt button, end button or stop sign.


What means stop button emoji?

The ⏹️ stop button emoji typically represents the action of stopping or bringing something to a halt. Whether ending a conversation, stopping music, or signaling a hard stop, this emoji makes it clear you're putting the brakes on.

How to use stop button emoji? (with conversation examples)

Some examples of conversations using the ⏹️ emoji.

    • I'm done with this game ⏹️
    • Same here, let's call it a night.
    • Should we keep talking or ⏹️?
    • I'd rather stop for now.
    • ⏹️ this track is annoying me.
    • Okay, let's skip it.

What are the best combos using the stop button emoji?

⏹️ works great with other emojis. Here's a small selection.

  • ⏹️🎵
    Stop the music!
  • ⏹️🗨️
    End the conversation.
  • ⏹️🚗
    Full stop!